I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday! As for me, my weekend started like this!
Took my Pumpkin Girl to school for their Easter festivities...so cute! I stayed to watch her don the customary bunny ears and hunt for eggs.
Only trouble was...it was Artwalk day, too. So, I felt very rushed after an hour at her school. ( I'm usually there only about 10 minutes on regular days) But, besides not having enough time for my "special occasion" pedicure....I was able to finish up last minute offerings.....like these cards.

And transform my space in the Gallery from this.
To this.
Those journals there were a big hit!
Though, my hair clips, paperback flower clips and jewelry didn't find any new homes that evening....they are in my shop now for consideration by a larger audience :) All in all, things went well! So many friends and family came out to support me that nite...so humbling and so satisfying at the same time! Ahhh, to be loved!
My Altered Pages got really good reviews....and I even sold one! Okay, it was to a family member....it still counts, right? ;-} Anyways, she had a real connection to it, so I think it was meant to be hers when she saw it regardless of who the artist was! She bought "The Door".

Here I am in front of my pieces...hee hee. It just makes me giggle, I was so proud :)
I wanted to make sure I had some of these pieces listed in the shop before I put another blog post out there....it's taken me all afternoon and most of the night to photograph and list some new stuff. I'm sorry it's taken so long. I'm sure you understand how time consuming this all is....add that my husband and kid are home for Easter Break and it's so hard to get things done.....I promise to put more up all week . Thanks for checking back and being patient. I really appreciate your interest in little 'ol me....
Well, to continue, on Saturday, Hubby, Pumpkin and I went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. They feature a Butterfly Garden this time of year where you walk into an enclosed greenhouse filled with 100's of the little critters. We all were gifted with little butterfly feet on our heads. My daughter was so thrilled by this!
She is our funny little butterfly :)
The week is going by pretty quickly already, with plans made for a sleepover, a Family Game nite, a huge Spring cleaning session (especially necessary after the tunnel-vision of creating for the Art Walk) on top of my regular work schedule....whew....gonna need a vacation after everyone else's vacation!
I'll meet you out here in Blogland again...I'll make the coffee (cuz you know I live on the stuff) hee hee.
Til then,
~your little one such a doll...you had quite the events happening! congrats on your art walk and listing your items in your shop...such time and effort put forth...may you have an abundance of prosperity come forth in your life...your artwork is so l♥vely...well wishes and brightest blessings~
Your little girl is so cute. Love her sunny smile. You too, you look beautiful as a doll. ;) Glad you got some sales made at the Artwalk. It require efforts, dedication and creative talent to run a shop, even an Etsy one.
Thank you for dropping by my blog and leave such heart warming comment. I'm fine and as you mentioned before, personal thing will sort itself out one way or the other. So I'm trying to keep calm.
Cheers, you have a wonderful day! :)
Ohmigosh your art (and your daughter) are so pretty!! I love your blog! I saw the painting you did the day you found out you were pregnant... beautiful - and don't you just love when things like that happen? Anyway, thanks so much for visiting my blog and following - I will do the same!
wow artwalk looked great, you sure transformed the space, i love that process, it shows just how creative you can be!, and the diaries!! swoon, my beady eyes went straight to them, im off to your shop now to see what i can find.
glad you had such an awesome time, your effort was amazing.
easter egg hunts! ewww fun!!
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