Hello Dear Friends! Wow! It's really time for me to do this post....
A post where I sign off for a while to attend to real Life...
.. .
the paperwork for our new home has been signed....
It's time to pack up all our memories
and start afresh...
Time to say Goodbye :(
Goodbye to our ugly mint green door.
I'm not sure why the Apartment Complex chose this odd color for our front door...it certainly would not be my first choice...but is now etched into our minds...and photos :)
Goodbye makeshift mantel.....
My main area for Seasonal Decorating...

The focal point and backdrop for so much of the important milestones in our lives...
..and the first thing you see as you open that ugly green door....
But now...
It's already reverting back to the empty walls it began as....
....before a Marriage and a Family transformed it into a Happy Home....
That front porch has been my little stage through 9 years of Holidays and Celebrations!
From Western Themed Birthdays.....
To Autumn Welcomes...
I have always enjoyed making it something to be proud of...
Despite that green door...haha!
So now, I get to pack up our (messy) Lives into tidy brown boxes and make a change...
...a change of address, a change of scenery.....
... a change of proximity to those I lean on.... (we'll be so much farther away)
...and, yet, I am not having a change of Heart :)
As emotional as this move is proving to be.....thinking of all the things we'll be leaving behind....
It is also solidifying for me, that relationships are not defined by the miles between us, but by what we feel in our Hearts...
...And that what makes a Happy Home is not the 4 walls we reside in, but the people who reside there with us!
(Don't you just want to call your spouse right now, or give your child a great, big hug?! Go ahead...They deserve it.....I'll wait!)

Here is a look at where our new Memories will be created....
The plants are dead and neglected....
The house sits empty...waiting for the sound of laughter to fill it once again :)
Where my daughter will come home to after school....
....where my Hubby will be doing yardwork on the weekends....
...And where my new stage will be...
to welcome Friends and Family.
(That furniture was left by the previous owners)
....And look....no ugly Mint Green Door!
Though, I will miss that door....and all it represents in my memory soooo much!
So, Good-bye Dear Friends...
....at least for a little while, as I get things in order around here...
and make the biggest move of my Life :)
I'll have so much to share with you upon my return!
Hugs to you all,
btw: I've changed my email address so I won't lose touch with anybody:
Hi Cameron! Wow, I could feel all that right there with you...and I know how it must feel both to leave, and to begin a new path elsewhere. A big mix of emotions! Your new home will surely shine once you put your artistic touches on it.
Congratulations on your move--I hope it goes smoothly as possible!
I'll be waiting to read your words when you get back!
Marty :)
wow, this brought tears to my eyes Cameron...your new home looks lovely and I cannot wait to see the new stage set up!!!
and you are so so welcome! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it:)
Take care and I look forward to seeing you post again soon.
What a beautiful goodbye...but also a welcome to new beginnings! Much good luck to you as your create your new home - where oodles of wonderful memories shall now be made. Big hugs - and I look forward to your return. Theresa :)
Best Wishes Cameron.. a beautiful post! Enjoy your new space , may it bring you much magic, joy and happiness!
What a lovely post of memories. I have fond memories of our first place, too. Good luck with your new home.
Aww Cameron, I wish I could be there to help you carry boxes and re-arrange furniture, such an exciting time moving house and home!!
I look forward to your return to blogland full with stories and pictures of your new home.
Wishing you all the joy and happiness you crave
Micki x
~i too almost started to cry especially seeing your little in the very last picture...so many memories yet so many more to come...your home is beautiful and i know you will celebrate each season and cycle with such grace as you have...so true it is not the walls around you but the ones who live within them that truly make a home...i wish you all my best in the coming days...till the next tiem my friend...be well...much l♥ve and light and strength to come~
Aww what a bittersweet post! I am so happy for you, but I know those feelings when you go somewhere new...it can be sad to say goodbye, but you have a lovely home to make new memories in! :) Your new house looks just beautiful, I can't wait to see what magic you add to it. Best of luck with the move! :) ~Lauren
Okay THanks for making me cry!!! It was the picture of your daughter behind the mint green door that did it. We all seem to forget "life really is what you make it" no matter where you are. I hope everything goes smoothly. What state are you moving from-to.
I wish you were moving by meeee.. Good luck ans I will be waiting for you in blogland....
I am loving your new house, and with grass and a yard!!!!
cocktails on that porch in summer and is that a beautiful pink bouganvillea at your entrance. so special!
have fun with your move, and exciting new days dancing thru your new house, I always love the first week of dinners when you move, it feels like a novelty.
Im a little jelluuss really, when you build a house on land you can never sell you realise that feeling isnt going to be coming around any time soon.
smooth moving onto happy times
P.S. I have a house warming gift for you, when your ready!
I know how difficult moving is--my family moves every few years. In fact, we are now considering leaving my beloved Redwood Forest so that my children can be closer to family (a 3,000 mile move)...so, I wish you ease of packing and unpacking, lots of strength to move everything, and a happy heart to know that you carry happy memories to a new home where new memories are waiting to be....
I know how difficult moving is--my family moves every few years. In fact, we are now considering leaving my beloved Redwood Forest so that my children can be closer to family (a 3,000 mile move)...so, I wish you ease of packing and unpacking, lots of strength to move everything, and a happy heart to know that you carry happy memories to a new home where new memories are waiting to be....
Good luck to the move to your dream house! It already looked wonderful to me and I could imagine how beautiful it will look after you settle in and make it your special place.
Don't be away for too long for you'll be greatly missed. :D
Cheers and see you round ...
The new digs look great! Congrats! Does this mean you're leaving for...ever?
my dear cameron i've just received blinky! it is so cute!!!thank you!!!
Good luck on the move! :) Maybe I'm weird...but I kind of liked the green door! :)
Welcome to your new home. Even dead and alone it looks like a nice blank canvas to start new. :)
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