I endeavor to show my beloved Husband just how special he is to me this month. I hope he knows that he is incredible all year long, cuz I don't actually have the energy to do something out of the ordinary every day
....but at least for this month, I wanted to try. And so, starting with the 1st, ending with the 28th, and commemorating all the holidays in between, I am giving my hubby something from the heart. Again, he probably would prefer something from the kitchen, but we all gotta go with our strengths, right? (wink, wink)

I made these little cards with sweet sentiments written inside and am hiding them in various places for him to find in the morning before he goes to work. He's started lining them up on top of the piano and I get a little excited to see if a new one has joined it's friends there when I awake in the morning. Should be quite a clan there by the end of the month!
It is taking some creativity and planning to stay on top of 28 projects, but I credit my renewed craftiness (get it...cleverness and artsiness) on The Creative Everyday Challenge. Besides, I couldn't have found a more worthy subject to bestow such happy work on! And, hey, I figured this beats my usual "luf u" mumbled in mid rollover from one side of my pillow to the other while he gets up early for work....and even better than if I mustered the strength to lift my head slightly to make him bend all the way down to receive my morning-breath filled kiss...yah, I'm feeling mighty sneaky, and smiley :) right now!
I accidently deleted your reply to me,was'nt sure if you would notice that I did'nt post it.Anyway Thank you for the Thank you,even though it's not there.Your hubby is pretty lucky to get all that attention.Your valentines are pretty special.
Oh wow, this is fantastic!!! What an awesome idea!!!
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