Thursday, February 7, 2013

The "To Do" list goes on and on....

Hello my Lovelies!

Gosh, how does time get away from us so easily? 

I know how......
I've found that opening another shop is exciting, but tremendously time consuming.  Of course, to be fair, I'm not doing a great job of dividing my time wisely.  I want to make sure there's lots of goodies to peruse on the "shelves" so I get into that mental game of, "Just one more and I'll stop and work on something else" with thing I know it's 1am!

I did take a couple days off over the weekend to go to the Scrapbook Expo and had a craft night with some girlfriends.  While they scrapped, I made more packaging materials for my own store....y'know, the stuff you need, but don't make the time for because you have more pressing things to attend to? *sigh*
Story of our lives, eh? Haha!

Well, it didn't take me all night to make those things, luckily, so I was able to make a couple new coffee cozies while we chatted.

I just barely finished putting the final touches on them today. (Hooray! I can cross something off my list!)
Here's my first ever butterfly cozy.  I thought it fitting that butterflies go through a major transformation....sorta like I do after my cup of joe in the morning ;P
So, on a cozy they went....

And another floral.  Nothing like flowers to brighten your day :)
Still on my list are:
  • More Word of the Year Art
  • Art Print Jewelry!
  • Coloring my hair (be glad you can't see my scary roots right now!)
But my next post will be something truly special!  I can't wait to share how I was able to give my Husband an awesome gift last Christmas!
I'll be back soon to tell you all about it :)
Hope you are doing a better job than I am keeping on task,
Pencil in a hug from me,


  1. Great to see you are still there:) my roots are worse I bet xx

  2. Oh, those coffee cozies is too adorable. I love the bright, sunny look of them. Just what I attempt to do with a cup of coffee. ;-) And honey, I don't know where that time goes either. Hugs, Mina

  3. So cute.... At least you put your list out there.... I have stopped blogging my to do list cuz then i am too embarrassed when i don't do them!

  4. Wow! Love that cozy! I should try one someday! :-)

  5. I'm sure your hair looks lovely regardless its color. It just has personality, right now ;-)

  6. I have a magical mermaid barrett to hide my hidious roots....Im waiting for warmer weather to be a SunnyBlonde again..lololol ♥Debi

  7. Fantastic cozy! (or is it a cozie?)

  8. Your coffee cozies are so cute and bright! Very pretty ;o) At least you have hair! I won't show you my bald spot! LOL! Take Care and I can't wait till your next post ;o)

  9. These are so cute. I love how you can show them off to others. Makes good conversation and maybe sales!

  10. I'm all over the place right now! But I love being busy and I know you do, too! Love your cute cozy! We can all use one of those no matter where we live! Sweet hugs!

  11. so much unique things in your new shop :) looks like you ve had much work ;) and yes I confess I am a "list-person" too ;)

  12. Oh yay, I can't wait to hear what you did for the hubs! AND yes, never enough time right? And Etsy IS time consuming - at least getting it all up and running - you will be great - LOVING your coffee cozies - I still remember the owl one from last year :)
    Oh, and me too - hair coloring on the list - tomorrow? Hmmm, xoxo!

  13. Love your coffee cuffs. :) I need to dye my hair as well. Lol!

  14. Great work dear friend! You're doing just fine. All the best to the store! :)

  15. Lovely to see what you are up to my friend. I love your new shop too, the name is awesome and so are the fantastic items. Yay! How do you keep up? I think I need to work on some time management. :) Big hugs to you and <3 your fabulous art. Have a happy week. I look forward to hearing about your gift.

  16. Nope definitely not doing a better job than you at multitasking hehe! I haven't posted in two weeks! Or commented! Neglecting the blogs, I deserve a slap on the wrist.


Your comments are my pixie dust...they make me fly :)