Thursday, January 31, 2013

Intentions Reaffirmed

Hello Everyone!

Thank you so much for visiting with me and voicing your support regarding last post's fundraiser for M & L Hockman Ranch....
I love animals and am happy that my art may able to help some in need.  "Ray of Light" is still looking for a home with 100% of the proceeds going to the Ranch.  You can view the listing HERE.

So, you remember I spoke of my Word of the Year, Intuition, a few posts ago, right?  Well, I've really embraced this whole concept. I've been reading about what words others have chosen and their reasons....and then an idea formed!

What if we had something we could have around us to gently remind us of our word?  Sure, journals are fantastic....but you have to go open them......large art pieces are incredible, but hard to bring into a cubicle or magnet to the fridge.
I wanted something not only pleasing to the eye, but a way to reconnect with that focus we wish to hold throughout the year.  Something with a bit of sparkle to invite casual glances, and a lightness to keep thoughts free from feeling guilt. Even having a place to write an inspirational thought or two.....

This is what I've created, so far :)

Real, old dictionary entry.  Space to add your own inspirations :)
Pretty heart beads and a bit of gypsy flair :)
These are available in my Shop now....
I planned on having many more finished, but with my trying to get items researched and listed in the Vintage Shop, in addition to regular "mom" duties, I should be happy I have these done :)
Hope you like them!
If any of you have a word request, just leave me a comment with your email address and we can discuss the details.  Thank you again for giving me a place where dreams come true and friends cheer you on!  Blogland is an amzing place...made so by the people in it!  Thank you!
Follow your heart today,


  1. I so like the vintage shop! Keep it up girl I have been looking and hopefully buying soon! x

  2. I love those word hangings. You are so right - they need to be on view, a reminder.

  3. Such beautiful pieces, Cam. These have really caught my, what, my whimsey?


    I may have to copy you.

    Well, the idea, anyway. I'm NOT going to try and paint like you, that would be hilarious! It would be more like "Paint Myself Ridiculous," or possibly "Paint Myself Hideous."

    We'll leave the pretty painting to you!


  4. thank u Cameron :) that's so sweet of u
    u have a wonderful blog! and ur a really talented artist.
    good luck with everything dear


  5. These are so precious and beautiful! Great creations ;o)

  6. Love the idea and message behind your creations.

  7. Oh these are so beautiful! I love the flower shape and the little hanging decorations. Lovely work!xx

  8. Clever lady, those are very pretty indeed!!

  9. They are simply stunning, Cameron. What a great way to remind you every day of your words to live by!

  10. I love your idea of the hanging inspirational words! They are just beautiful Cameron and the extra bead embellishment just adds a little extra sparkle, perfect! Your hand writting is gorgeous! I don't know what has happend to mine. I bet they will fly off your Etsy shelves!

    Oh and what a fantastic thing you're doing for the M&L Hockman Ranch

  11. Brilliant and absolutely fun Cam! Love your vintage shop too!!! Hugs to you and your mom!

  12. Beautiful Art dear♥, I love both shops and especially the EXCELLENT delivery in record time..this has come to mean so much in this online shopping world and You excel! Thank you...♥Debi

  13. So pretty! What a lovely way to be reminded!!

  14. You are one creative and prolific lady, Cam! Love your Bloom piece, and all the best on your new shop! :)

  15. This is a wonderful, perfect idea for everyone's word of the year, i see you have sold one already! Congrats!

  16. you're on a roll !!! You BLOOM !!!!!! ♥

  17. They are gorgeous! And I love the flower shape. :)

  18. Love these Cam! Beautiful girls that you create :) Your own little characters! May I suggest the word "Magic"? hehe.

  19. What a wonderful idea! Allways good to have those lovely reminders on hand :)

  20. These are beautiful! I'm off to look at your shop, too!


Your comments are my pixie dust...they make me fly :)