Monday, June 7, 2010


Hello Everyone....

I'm having one of those days where your mental agenda spins like a hamster on a wheel...over and over again in your mind....

All the things that I need to do, want to do and should do, collide like bumper cars vying for position.... So, I'm gonna do things a little differently today.  I wanted to spend the morning creating a little something new to post here since I haven't shared anything with you since last week....(and I do SOOO Love sharing new things with you) but, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

I have a lot of new things going on,'s the short list:
 -I have an appointment with the buyer at a metaphysical store called Visions & Dreams tomorrow....while I'm terribly excited about having my work available in a retail location, I'm not fond of leaving things on a consignment, I thought I'd mark things way down for Wholesale pricing just to have some cash in hand, not have to worry about keeping track of what sold and what didn't, and move out some older stock in favor of not storing it any longer (and making room for new creations ;o) 

I made peace with this decision, but my Hubby (who is out for the Summer already and shaking up my morning routine..haha) is telling me that I'm selling myself short and not making what I'm worth, etc, etc..... I think it's better to take what I can get now, than wait around for the possibility of more later...does that make sense?  I had a business in the past, and I have quite a few pieces left from way back then....out with the Old, eh? :)

     - I'm spending a few hours every weekend painting a mural on my daughter's preschool wall.  This is the big news I alluded to in an earlier post!  I'm actually doing 2 walls.  I'm getting near completion on the first :)
How this got started is a pretty funny little story that I'll share with you when I post the finished product.  Here's a sneak peek....hee hee!

     -I have committed to a whale themed Swap on Swap-bot and just finished carving some stamps to use in the project....alas, I haven't "tested" them yet.

     -Just bought materials to make some Plushies (stuffed dolls) and I'm at the stage of..."Okay, Cameron, you have everything now...get moving!" So, that'll be a future post, too.

    -Oh, and we finally have ripe tomatoes. (I'll just put a picture of them up right now and call you

So, as you can see, I have my fingers in lots of pots!  I hope to have some exciting pictures to put here for you all!

Thanks for reading my ramblings...I needed to check something off my list today!  Hope your week is productive and bright :o)

Off I go again, Cam


  1. Whew - you are a busy lady! I hope my little green tomatoes turn juicy and red soon! Good luck with all your projects.

  2. You are a busy gal! :) That mural looks great, I can't wait to see the rest. And I am so impressed with your whale stamps, I wouldn't know where to begin! Those tomatoes look yummy, I can't wait until our little tomato plant takes off! Good luck with everything, I hope you have a great week :) ~Lauren

  3. Well done you busy gal. Keep going. You're doing great! :D


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