Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Night Magic

Just a quick entry to show you the ATC I finished for a swap...."Night Magic"

I'm doing this post from my parents' house because our computer is yet again, kapoot!  I think I had mentioned before that I felt that it was not truly "fixed"...simply waiting for the other shoe to drop...
Well, it ended up being a boot!

So, excuse the photos, please...they're more raw than usual since I usually crop and enhance them for your viewing pleasure :)

The theme for this ATC Swap was the Moon.

I painted 3 cards side by side again, but instead of painting different images, I painted the same one....then cut them and assembled it to give it a 3 Dimensional look :)

Of course, I used lots of irridescence and sparkle :p Though I don't think you can see it here.....

Hope the recipient enjoys it and that you liked it, too!

Best Wishes,

P.S. My meeting with the Metaphysical store went well....I now have some art, hair clips and my Mermaid ATC's on consignment.  Cross your fingers for me :)


  1. Gosh, you are so talented! Love your art! :)

  2. Very nice ATC! The moon really glows.

  3. i especially like the starry background. lovely!

  4. ~i think this may have to be my favourite one so worries for the editing...simply magical painting all in itself! oh so sorry fo ryour computer problems...uuggghhh...l♥ve hate relationship...warm wishes and brightest blessings~ fingers are crossed for you! may it be a prosperous journey that lies ahead for you~

  5. Well I am a copycat, aren't I??;) Tee he! I absolutely love this one, it is gorgeous! I am jealous of the lucky recipient! That 3-D effect is so cool. I am glad your meeting went well, I'm sure your art will sell great! :) ~Lauren

  6. My fingers are crossed & I think your Moon atc is very cool. I love the demensions you've added. Best of luck at the shop you are now in!!


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