Wednesday, August 8, 2012

DRAWING LAB - Lesson 10

I know, this has been long overdue......very long overdue!
I'm sorry for that!

In this lesson, we were to visit the local coffee shop and draw blind contours of the other patrons.
I discovered that I was actually putting this one off time and time again.  It certainly isn't because I don't like coffee....anyone who knows me is aware my undying devotion to the brew....haha!

I found that I was dreading taking my sketchbook out in public and "staring" at other people while I was there.  I didn't want to be make anyone uncomfortable....or worse yet, have them ask to see my sketches.  If you've done contour drawings before, you know just how weird they can look.  I didn't want to take the chance of offending anyone.

So, instead of the coffee shop, I finally took my sketchbook to Karate Class.  We parents sit there in the lobby area for 2 hours every week.  Even so, I only completed 2 quick drawings.  I still felt strange drawing in public.

But, I guess that's part of the do something differently than we normally do.

I actually asked this mom if I could draw her before I did. She liked it and we began talking about my art, etc... So, it ended up being a good thing :)

Please linky up if you do this Lesson (or, like a couple of you, have already done it and have just been waiting for me to get my butt in gear...haha!)

Hope you're having a wonderful week so far.....and a great big welcome to the new Friends I have joining me on my art adventures!

Here's to loving our contours,


  1. Good for you! I had my sketchbook out surreptitiously at the beach last week, but I was only drawing my own kid. :) Today in a doctor waiting room I handed my bored 8yo a small sketchbook and pencil and told him he could draw one of the sea shells surrounding the fountain, and immediately three adults said, Hey, we want to draw too! But I didn't have sketchbooks for everybody. :)

  2. I have to admit, I don't sketch in public. Something I should try. I really like the ones you did ;o)

  3. I hide in my car...but I keep telling myself that it is my EGO telling me lies....silence that chat and lead the way....nicely done, indeed. I am happy that Miss Pen lead me this way..♥Debi

  4. Wow. That sure took guts, believe me, I know! When I was still at school, I had to raise money by drawing people in public. They ended up standing around looking over my shoulders and I'm just thankful I don't have to do that again! Haha! Thumbs up to you, my friend. :)

  5. I think I'd feel rather shy drawing people in public, too. I remember I'd always be sketching away in the library or cafeteria in school - but that's something entirely different. You did two fine sketches! :)

  6. That bold guy looks awesome! :) They'll look amazing colored in. Oooh, can I link my blind faces? They are not done in a coffee shop though and I doubt I'll be going near one any time soon. :))

  7. I think doing any form of art in public takes guts. I have taken hand work with me to Doctors offices, etc and I either get nice questions of evil eye looks! I think the evil eyes come from someone who thinks they do better work than me! Good for you for going public! Your work is beautiful

  8. I think I'm afraid to do this! Besides, I never go to public places by myself and just sit. My hubby would be with me and then I'd really feel silly! But I do admire those who have the guts to do this sort of thing! :D

  9. One of my fondest memory, was me walking around with notepad around in Rome. As I walked, I described the faces of artists who were sketching passersby and people who posed for them. There is something magical about the face of an artist creating life and art. I would have paid to have seen your face while you sketched.

  10. I read this the other day and then got distracted and didn't comment! BUT I did remember to take my book with me when we went to the local cricket park. A kind of cheat as was plonked on a picnic blanket drawing the players so still in relative privacy :D Though the fielder nearest the edge of the pitch (or whatever it is) kept casting bemused looks over his shoulder at me *g* Very liberating though as am usually to scared to draw in public! Am so jealous of your 'blind' skills - mine look a little deformed to say the least. I'll upload at some point today :)


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