Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Breaking into Shoe Business?

Hello Bloggy Buddies!

A Mom from school asked if I could paint her teenager's Converse...of course, I said yes!  I gave her a quote and am still waiting for the shoes to be given to me.  While I'm waiting, I thought I better practice because....sshhhh....I've never painted shoes before...haha!

So, my mother gave me some of hers and asked for ladybugs.
...and voila!

Maggie got a new pair of canvas shoes. When I told her she could have whatever she wanted put on them, she promptly requested Sally and Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas :)

Here's what they look like!

She showed them off to everyone at school today....I guess she likes them....haha!

In case you are wondering, I used acrylic paints and Sharpies in 2 different widths.

I didn't use any sort of transfer.  I just sketched the general design with pencil, then outlined with a fine tipped Sharpie.  I, then, painted within the lines and touched things up with ink again once the paint dried.

I used a larger tipped Sharpie to fill in the black areas of Jack.  I sprayed a sealant on it, but, I'm not sure that was necessary.  I'll know more as these shoes are worn :)

I might have to go buy a pair for myself!

Thanks, as always, for stopping by!  I plan to post another Lesson from Drawing lab early next, if you have the book and want to join in, please do!
Also, the Mermaid Swap begins next week (I'm super excited)....please shoot me a quick email if you'd like to be in on that, too :)

All my very best,


  1. You did a great job! And you inspired me to get out some older canvas shoes and make hay while the sun shines.


  2. Oh My Gosh! These are toooo cute! I wish my baby was younger, I know she would love them. I bet you can go in business with something like this. Great, great idea! Lovely work too!

  3. In the 60's this was hip. Canvas runners with coloured laces or not and then for the more daring...cutting out toes, heals what ever....Oh I sort of remember??? lololo ♥Debi

  4. I love the way painted shoes did a fabulous job! Can't wait to see what you make for the mom!

  5. I totally thought you meant she wanted a painting OF her shoes :D I'm sat here thinking "wow, they must be a REALLY cool pair!" Duh!

    Love, love, love these - especially Jack and Sally. I've had a play at painting on canvas shoes before but mine was a major cheat in that they were a pair of Vans that already had a black and white floral design on them, I just funkied them up in glittery fabric paints ;)So relaxing to sit and paint in the colours for a few nights. Yours are much cleverererer!

  6. How cute!! I love your girl's pair! I think this could be a new beginning to a very prospective business. LOL!

  7. These are WAY cool! You definitely need some! Oh...I need some with mermaids! heehee! Have fun!

  8. Looks fabulous !
    I've been painting cowgirl boots :)

  9. These are really awesome! :) I would be scared to wear them so not to mess them up. :) What will you be drawing on the commissioned ones?

  10. They are just SO cool!!!! You know I am loving the Jack and Sally. :) Thanks for sharing HOW you painted - I was going to inquire as what type of paint you were using. :) Very very can do anything, Cam!!! :)

  11. Jeez! You're awesome cam!
    I love these!

  12. Now these are really cool. Me want...

  13. These look cool. Very, very cool!

  14. Oh, soooo cool, your jack and sally are perfect. I watched that movie over and over and over when my 17 year old was younger!

  15. I want skulls on my Sketchers!

    You've done such a wonderful job. And your first time? Wow! I can't wait to see what you do for the commissioned work ;-)

  16. Oh my..such Wowness..spectacular..they look totally fabulous my friend!!
    Shine on!

  17. Oh, they are so cute ... you're such a busy bug! Hahaha!

  18. They are GREAT !!! (what will happen in moist grass or rain though??????) nevermind... You know I also know someone who painted fancy laces and lace-like decorations on plain (cheap) gumboots ! Looked awesome, just with acrylic paints :)

  19. Those shoes are awesome!!! You are such a talented lady! :)

  20. Oh, Cameron, those look great! I've just discovered your lovely blog, and am now following! So nice to "meet" you! ♥

  21. oh my !!! i totally love the converse with jack and Sally on, i love love love them, i would love a pair just like them ! how creative and so unique !


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