Friday, September 24, 2010

Hoot Hooray!

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful wishes regarding the House!  It is exciting news....just trying to reserve all out celebration until everything is finalized :)

Anywhoo....I've got a couple little things to cheer having Photoshop back!!  Woot Woot!

So, if I go a bit crazy with the filters and effects, forgive me...I've just missed it so!!! ;oD

My daughter and I finished planting and decorationg the front porch...
I love it when flowers and Seasonal Displays greet me at my door!

We did a bit more inside, the piano...
Nobody plays the darn thing...and it takes up soooo much wall space, but my Husband won't let me get rid of, it's just shelf space for fun stuff.....

Like these pics of our "relatives"...heeheee

But the biggest thing I'm cheering about today is having a new art piece to share with you!!! Yippee!

I've been in an Owl Mood (pun, intended :D) as I'm sure you've noticed by my new blog wallpaper of choice :)

This is "Darker Still" 6x6 inch Mixed Media on Canvas

I'm really happy with how it turned out....felt really good....quite natural, which is huge for me, since I'm still learning how to work with acrylics and this whole "anything goes" concept!  Probably send this to my Swap Partner for the Halloween Spooktacular swap :)

This is the scanned image....always hard to see any metallics this way...but I used golds and coppers in his feathers and lots of rusts in the original prepping of the canvas....

Hope to be back with more soon!  Have a fantastic Weekend :)

Smiles all around,


  1. I'm definitely tuned in to owls; this is a beautiful piece!

  2. Love the owl, he's awesome, such a great painting!!

    Micki x

  3. Condivido pienamente il suo punto di vista. Ritengo che questa sia un'ottima idea. Sono d'accordo con te.
    Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. Mi piace la tua idea. Offerta di mettere una discussione generale.

  4. Really beautiful painting!! I love the way the background looks, very mysterious. Your porch looks great too! :) ~Lauren

  5. Beautiful job Cameron!!

    That is a wonderful painting!! I love the Moon and the owl!!

  6. Sorry I haven't visited you for ages Cameron and looks like I have been missing out on some wonderful creations!

    Adore your owl. You have a wonderful talent.

    Keep shining dear friend.
    Peggy xxxx

  7. Great job on the owl painting!

    The durn squirrels are digging up my attempts to plant season flowers at the moment. All the pretty pansies planted last week? Gone! With dirt around the pot as evidence. I'll try again in a few weeks when acorn digging slows down a little bit. Ha!

  8. Hi Cameron, your decorations look wonderful. And that OWL is just amazing!!!! Your swap partner is SO lucky. You did a fabulous job!!! Theresa


Your comments are my pixie dust...they make me fly :)