Thursday, July 1, 2010

Giveaway Results and New Creations

Hello All!  Hope you're having a wonderful week so far.  The sun is back with a vengence here in So. California....already enjoyed a icey cold popsicle (coconut)!  I have a few things to share with you today....

But, first thing's first!  I hope you all had fun at the Mad Tea Party this weekend!  I had a blast putting it together, though the quality of the photos would have been so much better if I had access to Photoshop Elements!  Our darn computer is running only very basic settings.  My Hubby has decided to "build" us a new computer....he started last night, but accidently broke a little part it's back to the computer store :)  Sounds of "Dang it", "Crap" and "no, No, NO" could make some worry....for me, it's just the sound of things getting done (eventually) Lol!

The Tea Party was such a great event to be a part of.  I thank those of you who stopped here for a Dream and a cup of tea....and welcome to my New Blog Friends who have wonderfully agreed to continue this journey in Blogland with me :oP

  I decided to let my "Alice" help me choose the winner of the drawing for these earrings! 

I wrote all the names on pieces of paper....

..... and presented her with the cup :)

She took her time picking  the one "her fingers told her to"

....And the winner is:

Congratulations, Mermaiden Creations!

Can't wait to get those to ya  : oP
In addition to those earrings, I have some new pairs in my shop....Take a quick peek at a few :)

I have some new art to show you, too!  Have you heard about something called the Diary Project?  I learned about it from my friend Jamie over at Hybrid J.  In a nutshell, artists, illustrators, anyone really, chooses a date to design for next year's  calendar.  It's a really cool way to be a part of a collaborative effort and a free way to advertise what you do.  I found it a bit of a challenge to work only in black & white....but overall, pretty happy with the results.  I chose my birthday.

I'm also happily in the middle of a trade with the wonderful Micki Wilde at the Secret Hermit Studio and Illustration!   Her art is so cute and quirky...collages and mixed media pieces....funny little animals....She just opened a new Etsy shop filled to the brim goodies!  She loved that stuffed whale I had made for a different swap and asked if I would make one for her. 


Ssssh! Don't tell her....but here's what I made!

She loves frogs!

Here's the back.

Did you see? The fabric has dragonflies on it.

I saw this button and knew I had to incorporate it in his creation!

When I get her exquisite painting in return, I will excitedly share it with you~!  My ever-supportive Mom has told me to start offering kits to make these little guys in my store....what do you think?

Thank you again for checking in with me today...I'll see you again soon :o)


  1. Congratulations to your very lucky winner! I know she will enjoy those deliciously gorgeous earrings. :) I love the froggy you made - what a super cutie. Your new earring designs are so lovely. Hope you and yours have a wonderful weekend! Theresa

  2. The frog is adorable! Nice job on the dragonfly cloth too, just perfect. The calendar page is nice, I like it.

  3. woo hoo- the lucky winner is ME! now i'm off to play the lottery :D

  4. Wow, what great output of your creativity and you're so multi-talented! And how lucky is the winner to have such beautiful earrings.

    Thank you for mentioning the me and the Diary Project in the your blog! ;D

    Apart from making the frog pattern for sale in your shop, ever think about selling actual stuffed toy in your shop. Just an idea!

    As usual, great work and keep creating!

  5. Congrats to the lucky winner!! :) The Mad Tea Party was so much fun, wasn't it?! I just love your new earrings, and that calendar page is so cool! That's great that you are doing a trade with Micki, you both have such fabulous work:) And that frog is just too adorable!! You should absolutely sell patterns, but I also agree with Hybrid J above that you should sell the dolls themselves, for those of us who are sewing impaired ;) Have a great weekend! ~Lauren

  6. Love your diary page!

    I found it a challenge too - the black only and the dimensions. You did a WONDERFUL job!!!

  7. i received the most beautiful earrings in the post! they are truly delightful. and the packaging blew me away- inspired me to whip my tail fin in gear and pimp mine up:D i love the card, too- and oh, i felt so spoiled. thank you!!!


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