Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Promises Kept

The month is quickly coming to an end, which in turn, means Project Hubby will also be wrapping up it's designated time frame. What an amazing, little journey this became....originally just a means to give my Sweetie a little extra attention (on a budget!), who suspected I'd be getting so much more out of it? If you knew something, you should have said something :)

There were times when I didn't have the little card waiting for him to discover in the morning....(because, quite frankly, I didn't have that day's card made yet...oops!) I'd get busy with my daughter and stress over something small, and for a brief moment, I'd think, " I did pretty good for a couple weeks, I can let one day slide. My Hubby will forgive me." ...and that's when I would suddenly find the time (and, somehow, the serenity) to create a little something for him to come home to.
I think I'm growing up a bit (gulp!).....because, in the past, I would have flaked halfway through...or, rather, not even taken on a month-long project because it would have been too hard. But, I'm a new Me when it comes to my Hubby...I've let him down in the past, and making this dedication to him...this February Celebration....needed to be as serious to me as my love for him.....
So, I perservered....
Yesterday was one of those days. SoI thought that I'd use the old refrigerator poem magnets that used to be so popular...oh, about a decade ago! You have any of those? I was getting a little bored of cards and needed something different.

I fished them out from their dusty perch on top of the fridge and opened the container. There were over 3 sets of random words piled inside....

......and a Love Poem....from my Sweetheart....from years past..... tucked in there, too.

I read those simple, honest words and my heart warmed and fuzzified (yes, it's a least, in my world). Doesn't it figure that when you go out of your way to do something for someone else's benefit and are rewarded in many ways. This was one. A little something from my Hubby to me that I would have never remembered was in there....probably would have never found....except for my search to use another method of conveying my affection.
I can see why they've been sitting up there for so really is a pain to sift through all those tiny magnets, vision blurring from the sea of red, black and white!

Yet, despite my impaired eyesight, I managed to find this poem inside all those pieces.

And, yes, that is a toaster oven pan it's stuck to....our fridge is covered in Little Girl drawings, pictures, toys, etc. I know it's not the most romantic, not to mention, it doesn't stand up well on the piano...heehee, but it was portable. I wanted to make sure I put it somewhere where he wouldn't miss it. My daughter and I also bought him some flowers to replace those from Valentine's that have since withered away.

It was so cute. Hubby came home that night, our girl and I met him in the foyer for Welcome Home kisses and hugs. He gave us our share and then turned to me and said, "Where's my little card today? I looked all over for it, but couldn't find it....and I really needed it today."

When he rounded the corner, he saw the poem and the flowers. "The day's not over, yet!" I replied.
There was another reward for my good deeds.

I did, however, make sure I had a card out and ready for him this morning...since he had to wait so long yesterday....
I wrote about how I found his little poem, and all the mushy stuff that comes when feelings are known, hearts are given and promises are kept.

Monday, February 22, 2010

It's all in our Heads (or on them!)

Hello All! Hope you had a great weekend! I actually got a ton of crafting done....made 12 of those Bunny treat bags from last post.......made a bunch more sea glass hair clips.....and yet, I feel like I don't have much to offer here today. I'm rushed because it always seems I leave writing my blog til the last few minutes before I must drive to work. I think it's a denial thing...wink, wink....I'm an Artist moonlighting as a Massage Therapist instead of the other way around :) So, I uploaded a few of my new creations (Along with one of my favorite art pieces, "Viola") to share with you to prove that I really did do a lot of stuff....really! Just don't have time to talk about it :(

Maybe in this instance, you can help me out? Let's pretend I have some clever or witty observation written right here...

And maybe some soulful poem I wrote about the ocean here....(hear the waves, imagine a mermaid in the distance wearing this clip. She's saying something to you, it's hard to hear it over the seagulls cries and the crashing of the the surf) :)
I'm dying to know what you think she said!!! Something wonderful, I'm sure~
Thanks for indulging me!

I'll write again soon!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Keeping Crafty

It's a cold, overcast Friday today....a perfect day to stay inside and craft. I had this idea for little Easter treat bags. I found about 20 of these Bunny prints left in the filing cabinet and decided they needed some new purpose.
The fact that I only had 20 is pretty amazing....You see, I used to make cards to sell at art & craft shows back about 8-9 years ago....this was before the whole handmade card craze kicked in. The only place to find unique cards back then was Papyrus. So I started a little business and went to shows on the weekends. The restaurant I worked at, at the time, was kind enough to let me take in a little basket of my cards to show guests who were interested.....I enjoyed quite a following and met lots of handmade-loving people. I began to do little paintings to put on the cards and found a way to color copy multiples per page to cut down on the cost. Well, after all this time, I still have a filing cabinet full of copies! Though I'm finally starting to reach the end of a few (and won't ever be making more) the majority are very plentiful indeed!

So, I hope these little Ballerina Bunnies (I named this piece, "Hare-abesque") will find new life bringing some special girl a bit of Springtime joy!

My Spring Faerie has also reached the last of her run (3 sheets). I'm planning to use her for some Springtime fun, as well. Not exactly sure, though....large gift bags?.....Any ideas?

It figures the weather turned cold today, since my daughter and I just did some more gardening yesterday. Planted a few more pansies and made trellises to support the veggies.
Then we ran into this little guy! Isn't life grand!
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend :)
I'll talk to you all again soon!
P.S. Happy Birthday, Hubby! I love you to the ends of the Earth....and since the world is round, my love is neverending!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Whew! What a week!

Hello Everyone! I've missed you so! A week is too long to go without writing, but it is absolutely impossible to get organized, take photos and generate a post when Hubby and child are home for a long weekend. Besides, you were all too busy to read about little old me, anyway, right?!
Creative Everyday Update:

Let's start with a little something new I tried thanks to inspiration from Sheree @ Raven Moon Magic. I've seen pages from books used as art/canvas before, but I guess you have to be ready before something speaks to you......this time, I was ready! After seeing what she did using the pages, I set about on a quest to find my own hidden messages within the text.

The circled words read, "She wasn't anywhere....she breathed.....home was their children."

I would have liked this much better had I just circled the "home was their children" part, but, I'm still learning to find the concise description that lies in wait.

I think I did much better with the next, it's more like me, and what I do already. The words say,"Pale neck....ivory skin....her eyes...Scandalous". I gave her fangs at first, but didn't like the way it looked. There must be a dozen layers of color on her lips. Aside from curling a bit, the thin paperback pages have held up pretty well. I think I will be on the lookout for books with thicker pages, though, since I tend to rework my pieces a little too much. So, this has been a good exercise in learning restraint....I didn't say I passed the lesson, but am always learning through exploration!

Thank you, Sheree!
How was your Valentine's Day?

Operation Hubby is still in full swing. The piano is finally getting some use by being the perfect card holder/displayer thingy :) My Darling surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a gift certificate for a massage at Glen Ivy Day Spa (You'd think I wouldn't need one considering I work at a spa, but the last thing anyone wants to do after 3 or 4 massages is stay to give a free one...even with the promise of receiving one in trade later...) So, I appreciate and need this gift very much! But, as grateful and excited as he made me with those, what he did that really made me swoon was.....He got my wedding ring resized! I haven't been able to wear it in 5 years! It's all clean and shiny....and on my finger right now!!! Yay!!!!!!

Artfire Shop Update:

Also, over the weekend, I made my first sale! A wonderful woman bought 3 of my Sea Glass hair accessories.

I know she is wonderful because I was lucky enough to meet her in person. It figures that on a web shop where anyone in the world can view and purchase handmade goods, she would end up being local! So, I just delivered the items to her doorstep rather than have her wait for it to be shipped. It's so nice to have your creations go to a good someone who will love them as much as I do! Thank you, Shelly!

Been working on some cute gift bags to offer in the shop. As you already know, my goal with the shop is to make things from stuff I already have on hand. I'm finding it extremely satisfying to dip into my stash and make something new and beautiful! These are just brown paper lunch sacks, embellished with reproductions of my art, stickers, scrapbook paper and ribbon!
They're perfect for wrapping up small gift items or gift cards. Filled with shredded paper and yummy treats, would be a sweet idea, too, plus they're reusable. They just tie shut and can easily be refilled and used again. What do you think? Lunch bags too casual? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts :)
Well, I think this may very well be the longest post I've written yet. I hope to be back again on Friday, before the weekend takes over again. I'll get my cuppa joe and meet you right back here!

By the way, Button wanted me to tell you that she is NOT persnickety at all, as I formerly called her....
She's merely playful, is all, but handed me a list of pre-approved descriptives to use on my blog when referring to her.

I had trouble deciphering some of the words....feline handwriting can be very tricky to read, but I think, I recognized "Beautiful" on the list.....

So, here is Beautiful Button on the porch....(hope that makes Miss Persnickety happy!)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Full Moon, Empty Shell

Hello Everyone. I usually try to post on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays while my Little Girl is in school......but I'm having one of those days. One of those "blah" days. There are so many things in my mind, pestering me, nagging at me.....and yet, I'm not doing anything. Don't feel like doing anything, but can't seem to enjoy the not doing of anything, either. Not trading work for fun, unpleasant for more exciting....just sitting....checking email, snacking on less than healthy tidbits, counting down the hours til I leave for work. I find it difficult sometimes to look forward to giving someone else all my strength, my energy, my care (a massage) when there seems to be so little for myself. I'm always so delighted that my clients are refreshed and relieved of much pain after I work on them, but I just get so drained......

Y' know....I think I'll go take a shower. That always help wash away the "blah"s. I just read Tif's blog and I'm feeling like maybe I'll go lose myself in a thrift store for an hour.......spending money and avoiding chores has been known to lift the spirits :) Just talking about doing something is helping to propel me off my duff. I'll go do it! Hop in the shower, put on my work clothes and go thrifting til I have to report for duty.

Sorry to be a bit of a downer....but, alas, it is part of life. I knew if anyone would understand, it would be you. Hey, I put a painting on here so you'd have something nice to look at even if my sentiment didn't match :) "Moonlight Maiden" watercolor and ink. In person, she's really cool cuz you can see the way the irridescent watercolor glows and changes color in the moon and her hair.

Hope to write again on Fri, but my daughter is home from school...I never get to use the computer for very long when she's around :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Home is Where Your Door is (2)

I was walking back to my front door after dropping my daughter off at school. I was smiling inside, thinking about what a lovely day it is today. The birds were chirping a sweet little melody & a cool breeze touched my sun-kissed cheeks as I settled into the gentle rythmn of my own footsteps. My mind wandered a bit....the last image of my little girl at school, climbing the monkey bars and laughing with the other children, eased in... and I think I even closed my eyes for a brief moment, when the faint ringing of chimes caught my attention. It must've been the memory of the school bell, I thought. My front porch was in view now, and I felt a small surge of pride at how inviting our new flowers made it look. I heard the tinkling again on my left, and when I turned, I saw the unimagineable! Was that a tiny door.... with tiny steps? Has this been here all along? Why haven't I seen this before? Does someone actually live here?...and then I beautiful and inviting this little place was, too....and how proud it's occupant must be of it, as I am of my abode......then I thought of my little girl, and how magical this would be for her! I don't know why I was priveledged to see this today of all days. Maybe it was my daughter's laughter in my mind while I appreciated the day. Maybe it was being content with life and it's simple pleasures, like the porch of our 2 bedroom apartment....I think it was a combination of all those things that made this special sighting possible! In the long run, it doesn't really matter why. I'm just glad it happened! :-D

I'm wishing you a Magical Monday! A new week of possibilities lies ahead!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Learning from Mischief

So, let me set the scene.
I'm trying to use today to actually do some art for artsake. I have the whole morning to sit down and paint whatever strikes my fancy....maybe a quick sketch of a fairy house to go with the "Home" theme, maybe use some of those photos from the recent shoot...."oh, yes, I could use the reference photo of the owl I took at the Renaissance Faire last, where did I put it?"
"Not now, Mischief, Mommy's looking for something. You can sit on my lap when I get back on the computer."
Mischief goes to the couch and jumps up. Button, our persnickety younger kitty quickly bats her back down. Mischief paces in front of her.
I pull out one of my daughter's old baby blankets from the linen closet.
"Here Mischief, I'll put your own blanket up here so Her Highness doesn't have to share. There you go. Just for you. Now you can both be comfy."
I go about searching and laying out all the possible things I can work on. I go in the other room thinking about how fast the morning has turned into afternoon, and I still haven't really done anything. What will I share on my blog today...oh, no, I better hurry.....stress slowly elevates, impatience starts to set in.... I begin to fret that I've wasted so much time. How could I let this happen? My great day of opportunity takes a nosedive toward dissappointment and self doubt!
Then I walk back out to the livingroom and see THIS.

I laughed out loud. Suddenly life wasn't so certainly isn't to Button. She abandoned her side of the couch while I wasn't looking, obviously thinking that Mischief's blanket (and Mischief herself) looked much more comfortable!

This same cat, who not a moment before, was refusing to let Mischief join her on her side!

And, so, I decided to learn a lesson from Mischief (I know, her name doesn't quite fit hasn't since she was about a year old, but by then, it was what she went by)
and take things in stride. Life may not go the way you want it all the time (or, at all, for that matter), but if you just don't worry, keep a positive attitude and an open heart, you may get what you were trying for all along! Button is lucky to have a companion like Mischief.

It reminds me to be grateful to those who share my life with me. Especially when I'm persnickety, too!!
Ah, animals and children....what great teachers they are!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!