Friday, November 1, 2013

More Little Bits.....

I just finished 2 more of the mini painting necklaces....

I'm enjoying mixing different components from different sources.  I even went through my own jewelry box to see what unworn treasures could be brought back to life :)

This pretty necklace is called, "Flight"

Teeny and unique :)

This is my favorite so far.  The chain draping was a new thing for me.  I just love how it looks....reminds me of a Gypsy Princess.

I call this one, "Beauty"

The center abalone piece is from an earring my grandma had among her things.  The large round beads are made of carved cinnabar.  They've been in my stash for years and have just now found a purpose.
Remember these little paintings are just 1 cm x 1.5 cm in size... created with acrylic paints and ink on canvas paper and sealed with Diamond Glaze.  Can you see the hints of iridescence on his neck?
My daughter has claimed 1 of the paintings for her own ( a starfish) so I just have a toadstool and wolf & moon pendants left to bead. They are listed in the shop as soon as they are made, so please take a peek, if you like :)  
Speaking of my Darling Daughter, she was a sugar skull girl for Halloween this year.
This is how she went to school yesterday.  We didn't paint her face white....just painted the eyes and used temporary tattoos for the rest.
Here is the nighttime version.
It always makes a kid (and a mom) feel proud to get lots of compliments.  
Her costume was a big hit :)
I hope you all enjoyed your festivities, too!
One last thing I'll leave you with before I go.  Maggie's jack-o-lantern this year!
A 2-faced cat with 3 ears!
She conceptualized and designed this creepy creation all on her own.
Makes a Halloween-loving Mama's heart pitter patter with pride....haha!
Can't wait to see what she thinks of next year :)
Have a fantastic weekend!
Candy corn kisses,