Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tuesdays with Maggie

Maggie has been home for Spring Break, so I've been trying to alter my weekly routine to include her in them.  This way, I still try to stay on task and we can do something together. Of course, it takes a bit longer....haha!

Tuesdays are my designated art day.

I made some room at my table and we worked side by side.
We started with 2 sheets of 9 x 12 inch white Bristol Board.  We chose patterned papers to tear and adhere to them.

Here they are all covered.  Mine is on the left.  Hers on the right.
We then took some watercolor pencils and scribbled them on in different spots.  We applied gesso to the surface to pick up the color and tone down the papers.
Then it was time for paint and stamping....
Here, Maggie is rubbing the stamp pad directly onto her surface.
They looked like this after that layer.
Now we were ready for our main images and inspirational quotes.
Maggie wrote her own :)
"Enjoy wildlife,
Be friendly,
live life.
Then she chose this image to put on her piece.
Her finished art :)
I still hadn't decided what I wanted to do with mine when she proclaimed she was done and went to play.   
She compares herself to me sometimes and feels badly that she can't draw or paint like I do.  I tell her it's taken me years and years of practicing and doing art regularly to be where I am today....and I'm still learning and improving...and that she will, too.  So, I was planning on keeping things loose and simplistic, so we could both do similar styles, when we began.
But since she was done...well, I could let loose....haha!
So I began to see a face in my background.
I sketched her out in white pencil and began applying washes of thinned acrylic paint.
Those are the 3 colors to the left there that I usually use for my fleshtones.
Americana Brand - Light Buttermilk, Fleshtone and Light Cinnamon.
I apologize for not having more in-between stages, but I started working quickly once I figured out what I wanted to paint.  I chose a Rumi quote to feature "Unfold your own Myth"
Above are her finished eyes....
...and below, the finished piece.
All those layers paid off, I think. It gives the background such a lush look.
She has the quotes "Reveal the greatest version of you" and "The possibilities of one human soul will never be found in another" written on her, also.
Click to enlarge if you like :)
She has a neat Renaissance feel to her. 
She is listed  in the shop, fyi. 
Love that Maggie and I both made art this week.
I also received some awesome art from my friend, Micki Wilde aka The Secret Hermit
Isn't she adorable?!
And look at that yummy texture!
Thank you, Dear Micki!
Please visit her shop to see more of her whimsical girls :)
I'll be by to visit before the big weekend festivities!
Don't overdo the chocolate....or, instead, do indulge, but hide all the evidence....heehee!
Reveal your gifts to the world, beautiful creative kindreds!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Peculiar Paige

After I created "Creepy Crawley Clare" some time ago, I got an idea to have girls posing with all sorts of gruesome beasties.....

Clare walked into the woods they say,
And didn’t come out for 21 days.

Her complexion had changed
From peach to gray.
Her hair was tangled and smelled of decay.

She whispered to spiders and giggled with slugs
Her entire body was crawling with bugs.

Other folks might’ve thought her deranged,
But the town already considered her strange

Sounded like a perfectly easy plan....but as I started thinking about each girl...their stories started unfolding.  These began to include strange tendencies and twisted endings....odd behavior and disturbing details...

Paige is the scrapped canvas I began and covered up last week.  I was working on a 5 x 7 inch canvas last week and just couldn't fit in everything I was envisioning.  Here she is in a larger 8 x 10 format.

...and I am so much happier with the outcome :)
Hope you enjoy her, too.

The peculiar habit of Paige is
locking things up in cages.
Her creatures are cherished,
even after they've perished.
Her parents swear it's just one of those phases.
I have 2 other poems written out for 2 other odd personalities :)
Until those take form, Clare and Paige are in the shop waiting for a brave soul to adopt them ;P
Hope you are having a wonderful week!  Maggie starts 2 whole weeks of Spring Break next we'll see how much creating I actually get done....haha!
All my eerie best,

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Zebra and a Deer Walk onto a Blog....

I've been trying to stick to a weekly schedule now that I'm trying to fit more on my plate.  Tuesdays have become my painting day and Wednesday my blogging day.

I worked 2 hours on a piece last night that I disliked so much, I gessoed over it and made a new background.  Usually I can salvage a piece, but this one just wasn't heading where I wanted it to go.
It was getting very late, but I didn't want to be empty-handed for blogging today :)

So I pulled out those 2 mini canvas panels I had left and looked for some animals to paint.

A zebra trotted over first.
This one is called "Polka Dots and Stripes"

I've never painted a zebra before.  It was fun!  Especially since there was no way to make a mistake on the stripes.  They are not symmetrical or perfect.  Great for paintings never are :)
Then there is this guy....
"Love You Deerly"
Hee hee....I just love stupid humor like that ;)
They are available in Ye Olde Etsy Shoppe if you have a shilling to spend :)
Also, the wonderful Sharon at Plumrose Lane who designed my Blog Badge for me, is having to change where her work is stored.  I have new code now for my badge, so if you have been a Sweetie that has me on your sidebar, I kindly (and gratefully) ask you to delete the old and copy the on my sidebar to the right.
Thank you so much for your support and friendship...and to Sharon for making a beautiful Badge!
Off I go to make dinner now....I've had chicken in the fridge for 3 days.  Probably cuz I have no designated "cooking" day and frequently choose to go out instead....haha!
Love you all, dearly,

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Whimsical Critters

Doesn't it feel good to make good on a promise....

Now, I don't make promises lightly, but, I have to admit....sometimes I don't get them met until long after most have forgotten I made the promise to begin with....haha!
Not this time :)

I promised you guys more art.
...and more art I have :)

For inspiration, I flipped through some of Maggie's nature magazines.  When I saw a creature that made me stop and pause, or grin to myself, I earmarked them. 
Elephants are one of those animals that draws me in.  Such interesting features, kind eyes and an overall silliness in their wrinkles.
This is entitled "Lady Grey"
Is that her favorite tea or her name? Hmmm....
I saw a raccoon in the pages, too, all fuzzy and sneaky.  I had to paint one! Here's my version.
I call him "The Star Thief"
They are each painted on 4 x 4 inch (10cm x 10cm) canvas panels and come with a cute little wood easel for displaying.
I have 2 more of these little panels left.  We'll have to see what animals catch my eye and imagination next....heehee!
I'm off to yoga now, but when I come back, I'm going to spend the afternoon visiting with all of you.  I feel like I'm just not in Blogland as much anymore....and I really miss seeing what has been keeping everyone busy!
Til later, Namaste :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Dipping into the Sea...........Glass, again!

Hello Wonderful Friends!

I've heard your polite requests, and I am looking forward to getting my hands all covered in paint again!  I hope to have new art here very soon....

But, just so you know I haven't been putting the paint aside for nothing, I've finished up another round of experiment projects using my beloved sea glass collection again.

I've put gorgeous, rounded and smooth pieces on bobby pins, for the first time...

....and love how this showcases the beauty of a single piece.
...and then I tried using the tiniest bits I have, and made earrings!  Placed in the bezel with a pair of tweezers and patience....haha!
Together, the little chips make such a pretty mosaic.  These bezels are just 3/4 of an inch (2 cm) in diameter just to give you an idea how many pieces are in there.
Nothing going to waste here!
As with all these whims I get, I just made a few.....only 4 pairs.  I like to try things, then move on to the next.  Keeps things fresh and exciting for me and the items unique.  I like to think, anyways....haha!  They are in the Shop now :)
So, I am very ready to get some paint slinging to mix things up again :P
For all you sewing girls...and Vintage fans, I wanted to share this with you.
Do you know what it is?
The pins on top are a clue.
Isn't it adorable?! 
A wee pin cushion sheath houses small sewing shears for trimming threads and whatnot. 
It belonged to my Japanese Grandmother and is about 50 years old.  I think it is just fantastic.
Just listed it in the Vintage Shop today.
Can't believe the weekend is here again...the year already seems to be going so quickly.  Hope your days are filled with all your favorite things!
Hugs all around,