Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays!

I want to wish all my Blogging Friends and their families a wonderful, magical Holiday!  Hope it is filled with laughter and dreams come true!

I'll be back in the New Year.....excited for new projects and fresh ideas.
I'm looking forward to seeing all the great things you'll be up to in 2013, too :)

Biggest Hugs,

Monday, December 10, 2012


Clare walked into the woods they say,
And didn’t come out for 21 days.

Her complexion had changed
From peach to gray.
Her hair was tangled and smelled of decay.

She whispered to spiders and giggled with slugs
Her entire body was crawling with bugs.

Other folks might’ve thought her deranged,
But the town already considered her strange.

"Creepy Crawly Clare"
5x7 inches on canvas
Seems like a peculiar time of year to paint something like this somber lass, but I sat down to paint and she emerged onto the canvas along with her insect friends :)
I love her big, down-turned eyes.
It's a busy week....last week of school before Winter there are Holiday Performances and Class Parties, Snacks with Santa and Volunteer duties to look forward to....and a lovely Skype Art Date with this talented Lady :)
Is anyone else on Skype?  It's a great way to create and chat with your favorite Bloggy Buddies...check it out, if you're not.  Look me up if you username is cameron.reutzel
I hope to fit some more painting in.  Felt good to add a new personality to my gallery of girls :)
Clare's waiting for someone who understands her in the shop now :)
I'll be by to visit soon....I promise!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

....and the Winner is....

Hello everyone!
Hope you had a fabulous weekend!  So many lights in the neighborhood went up.  We made some hot chocolate and drove around to appreciate them.

I had this bright idea to make painted fabric ornaments.  I learned how to sew fabric onto watercolor paper back in the post....and did the same thing, just smaller.

They don't have that "wow" factor I was hoping for, but they are cute :)  Hey, can you see me up there in the reflection of the ball?  Sneaky little self portrait....hehe!

Anyhoo. on to the real reason for this post.....
I thought it fitting to put all interested parties names into a....what else? But a stocking, of course :)

I reached in and mixed those pieces of paper for a good minute....
...then pulled out a name!
Hooray!  Congrats to Stacy from MagicLoveCrow!!
I will email you your Promo Code!
And a huge thanks and hug to all of you....without your support, I'm not sure where I'd be!  Probably still wondering if I could ever be an artist one day....
Love you guys,