Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ta Ta for Now!

My Dear Bloggy Friends!

How I will miss you!  We leave for our vacation tomorrow morning...
A month of this....

....a lot of packing and unpacking....long stretches of driving and longer treks to the porto-pots ;-P

...but a lifetime of memories for one adventurous Little Girl :)

We'll be back before you know it....with 100's of vacation photos to share...heehee!
Just warning you now!

Hope your July is filled with family, fun and laughter...
I'll be talking to you soon :D

The forest beckons,

Friday, July 1, 2011

Mad Sea Party Winner!

Hello My Favorite Blog Friends!!!

I want to thank everyone for their kind compliments regarding our Summer Haircuts and well-wishes for a wonderful vacation!!! You are truly sweet...and so special to me!

Well, on to the business at hand....heehee!
I told you I would try to come up with some entertaining way to choose my winner....

...it all starts with tiny little orbs of rubber....
...filled to capacity with cold water....

....74 numbers placed randomly on the hard concrete....

...and a little girl...

You see where we're headed here, right...haha?!
The plan was to have her throw the balloon, it would hit the ground, splash on a number.....done!


After quite a few throws like this.....

Who knew they would bounce so much?!
.....lots of balloon pieces to pick up off the dirt....
8 more balloons filled...
...and all attempts to stay dry on my part failing due to back spray, popping while filling and other hose mishaps.... 

We finally....

Got our winner!

There was water everywhere....so we picked the one that the balloon piece landed in!

That's Sarah
@ Hyacinths for the Souls!


I'll contact you to get this clip sent out to you right away :)

I appreciate you all so much!  Thank you for entering my little giveaways and for joining me on my Bloggy Adventure!  You're the best...really...makes me want to hit you all with water balloons!

Well, you know what I mean...haha!

Sending some Fun in the Sun your way,
Cameron (and Maggie)