Sunday, January 30, 2011

Endless Possibilities - One World One Heart

Welcome Friends....both Dear and New :)

This post is in celebration of the final One World One Heart Event. If you are unfamiliar with this 2 week Blog Hop of meeting, greeting, giveaways and fun times....please click the above button to see a list of participants and enjoy all that they have prepared for this magnificent soiree'....

As for me, in thinking about this special post and what I would write....I thought it best to introduce to first-time visitors (and re-affirm to my treasured return guests) what resonates with me....

Would it be my love of creating and painting and expressing? Well, sure....that is at my core...

(from a mural I volunteered to paint at my Daughter's preschool)

Is it my love for my family.....those that are patient with my latest hobbies and infatuations? Those amazing individuals that help give my Life meaning and are the essence of all that is good in it?

They are with me in all that I do, yes....

Is it our First Home...which we just now acquired after 11 years of marriage? A place to raise our daughter, to call a safe haven and to inspire great projects in determination and togetherness? Maybe a little.....

I thought long and hard about how lucky I am to even have my list be this long!

But, what kept surfacing....what seemed to be my truth....
Is belief in the Magic all around us in this beautiful, wondrous world!

The Magic that makes it possible for me to have that list above!!

So, how does one go about documenting this....magic? ....and exactly what does it look like?

That's what is so incredible about this concept....and why it is so important to me. I'm sure it is defined differently by as many people that are asked.

Now, where some may find my account contrived and simplistic.....I hope the majority of you will agree that Magic comes when you are open to it.....sometimes, you create it for yourself, and sometimes, it's about seeing it, plain as day right in front of your eyes!

Here's a bit from today :)

I love that an ordinary breakfast can be something fun instead.....

That any open space, no matter where it is, just seems to be made for spontaneous dancing!

(I was dancing, too...behind the camera....heehee)

I love that someone thought a plain wall just wasn't good enough....and made it enchanting!

I'm tickled to live in a world where a neglected sea of dandelions.... a dense jungle for an imaginative big cat using "tamo fwahj" She still has trouble with c's and l's :)

....and provides enough blooms for a lovely Fairy Crown.

Where else can a bath towel cape, paper towel roll telescope and plastic bird be all you need for adventure on the high seas?

Or a colander be the perfect pith helmet?

This magic helps Llamas find you!

....and changes old moving boxes into kennels for recuperating pets.

I love that in this world.....words can easily become Love Letters XO

That all it takes to make something extraordinary, is to use real plates and crazy straws :)

I am so thankful to be able to be a part of this let the mundane responsibilities of everyday living and the carefree days of childhood cohabit, hobnob and pal around :)

When you live in this kind of world....the possibilities truly are endless!

I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping by today! I count Blogging as one of my absolute favorites...and, well...the people I've met here are the reason why!

Isn't it nice to live in a world where strangers can find kindred spirits and pour out their desires and thoughts...and become strangers no longer....but friends! That is powerful Magic, indeed :)

And, in the nature of things playful and introspective...I want to gift 2 visitors with a hand-embellished journal....from me to you!

This one says, "She was so ridiculous." in the text.

I hope you share and recognize the Magic that is yours...and I look forward to reading all about what your own truths are.....

Thank you to Lisa, a true Whimsical Bohemian, for hosting this grand event! I"m so honored to be a part of it!

Hugs, smiles, and a sprinkling of fairy dust,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Love and Devotion

Hello Dear Bloggy Buddies!

I just wanted to give you a peek at what I did with those canvases my daughter prepared for me the other day!

I'm sorry that this will be a short post....It's my turn to be the Class Mom tomorrow, so I won't be able to do my post when she's at school, like I usually try to do :)  Besides, the One World, One Heart event is coming up at the end of the week!  I gotta get started on that!

Anyhoo, back to the task at hand.....

This is "Beautiful Love" Mixed Media 6x6 inches on canvas

This is "Heartfelt Devotion" Mixed Media 6x6 inches on canvas

There's a bit of this, a bit of that....crackle

...colored pencil....oil pastel......acrylic...dictionary pages....

Even decorated the edges with cute little scallops around all 4 sides :)

They could easily stand alone or be hung together as companion pieces!

Just wanted to do something fun...and a little different from my norm :)

Hope you like them!  I'll be placing them in my shop soon!
Thanks for stopping by....I'm wishing all a Magical week!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Jewel of a Day!

Hello All!  Thank you so much for stopping by.  Hope things have been going well for you :)

As far as we're concerned, we've been good.
Tuesday in particular was soooo nice!

Y'see, I've started up some little Pre-K classes for my daughter thru the city, so 2 days a week we get up early, I pack her lunch and feed her breakfast, get her to a class that is just 3 hours long!
Now, I love how much she looks forward to singing songs and being with other kids....and that's why I do it, but 3 hours just doesn't seem worth the trouble of nagging her to eat, nagging her to get dressed, nagging her to hurry :D Especially since Monday was a Holiday here in the States...

I haven't lost you yet, have I?  I promise I have something really cool to show you at the end!  Now your curiousity is kicking in, isn't it?  Now you have to stay (insert evil laugh here!)

Anyhoo, in the interest of brevity...kid had runny nose....kept her home from school....did inner dance of joy (not that she was sick...what kind of Mother do you think I am? haha!)....leisurely sipped coffee whilst looking out our patio door...

Notice the sea of weeds out there...they reach mid-shin!  But, at least they're my weeds...and hey, they're green :)

Maggie and I spent the whole day doing fun things. Oh, and she worked on her "site" for a bit (which consists of me putting on a Word Doc & her typing furiously away....really quite cute)  One of my favorite things about this house is that she can work on the computer here (might I point out the strategic placement of toilet roll so shirt can escape snot duty...I can dream, anyway)

And I can work on artsy things the same room!

After her "work", Maggie helped me prep canvasses.
I don't think I've ever explained my process for prepping them before. I'm not sure if everyone or no one does them this way....but I find the whole thing quite relaxing (and it helps to use up my shockingly huge supply of scrapbook paper!) here goes.

I take a white, back-stapled canvas and paint it with a variety of colors...including the sides.
Sorry, I forgot to take a pic of this 1st step...

After it's dry, I Mod Podge torn paper pieces all over making sure to overlap the sides from time to time.

After this dries, I then paint it again, deciding whether to allow a lot of the underlying paper to show thru or not....and then sometimes add patterns with saran wrap, bubble wrap, corrugated cardboard, etc....

When this's ready to use!

Here are the ones Maggie made for me yesterday :)

Okay, now that I've made you stick with's my something cool...
Drumroll please....

This is:
"The Jewel of the Forest"
8 x 10 inches
Mixed Media / Acrylic

I'm sorry for the crappy pic :( 
I literally just finished it, like 15 minutes ago....and it is near Midnight now.
I will have better photos of it in the morning when I list it in my shoppe.

By the way, I've just decided to put a few things in my Etsy Shoppe as an experiment to compare it with my Artfire one...nothing you haven't seen already, but if any of you have tried both and have a preference, I'd love to hear what you've learned :)

*****Edited (here are the better pics!)******

Thanks again for coming back here, My Friends....
Having this space be one that you like to visit over and over again makes me wanna do an outer dance of joy...heehee...
I'm one Lucky Gal :P