Friday, August 27, 2010

From the Archives

Hello All!

I've got a rare treat for you today!  A little looksie into the Archives of my old Handmade Card Biz I owned a decade (WOW, a decade!) ago :) I didn't even know (or just plain forgot) these existed!

You most of you already know.....I've been running Bare Bones computer-wise for a few months access to Desktop, External Hardrives, USB Port, Scanner, Printer.....Nuttin....not even sound!  While this makes sharing and uploading pics of new work challenging, it hasn't been impossible.  I type all the content of my posts here at home, snap the photos, etc. then I take them to my Parents' house.  My Dad puts them on his computer for me, and I transfer them to the post from there.  It works....but I don't get to manipulate my photos, so my camera skills have been tested, too!

Anyways....while I was there yesterday, I was looking for copies of my work in his files to use on another website...when....lo and behold.....

I stumbled across these! What a blast from the past! Thank goodness parents think all their kid's stuff is worth keeping...haha!
I handwrote all that Japanese in the background! No, I don't know how to speak it.....I copied it. But my Grandmother was Middle name is Shizuko, which was her name. Just a little tidbit about me :)
I started making handmade cards 11 years ago at my kitchen table. I was working as a waitress back then, and I'd load the cards up into a basket and show my regular customers my creations....

I called my biz Art 2 Heart.

I've always loved sets of things......separate pieces that belong together.
Here is my first Shell Set painted in watercolor. My gosh, how could I forget these!

These Swan Cards blew me away! I vaguely remember doing these...but, if my Dad hadn't insisted  on scanning every piece I've ever done....then these would have still been lost in the dark recesses of that peanut I call a brain,!

This next one is my favorite in this set <3

And here's 2 more for fun!

Oh, and matching envelopes! I think they make such a nice statement that can make the Receiver smile even before it's opened...and ties everything together :)

Hope you enjoyed these...I know I did.  A trip down crafting memory lane has been a nice way to gain new ideas from old projects...and takes the pressure off not having anything more recent to share...haha!

Of can make one feel a little OLD, uggh...

What's lying around in your archives?

Smiles :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Refreshed and Ready!

We're back from our vacation....and I missed you guys for sure!  But, I made certain that if I was to be away so long, that I would make up for it with pics galore!  Okay, maybe looking at other people's trip photos doesn't sound like the most exciting thing in the world...but bear with me....

Hopefully I won't dissappoint :)
My daughter and I flew up to Oregon, while Hubby drove up a few days earlier with our camping gear.  We then drove down the Coast back down to So. California together.  This is what a lot of our mornings looked like :)

This, too...heehee!

Oregon's famous for wild Marionberry bushes...everywhere!
 A bit tart this year, but fantastic in cottage cheese!

Here I'm keeping an eye on my 2 Sweethearts walking down River...oh, and maybe on my cute pedicured toes, too :) (Do you get your toes done before vacationing, too?....Oh,'s not just me then :-p)
Can you see Hubby and Mags out there?

How about now? :)

They LOVE the water, which is cold with a capital C! I don't know how my daughter can just jump in!  As for me....

Just up to the ankles is deep enough!

Nothing like tunes and snacks after swimming!
Say Cheese!

But the highlight of our travels had to definately be the animals we saw! this adorable chipmunk....

Banana Slugs...

Roosevelt Elk...

Harbor Seals...

Look at this huge snail....I wish I had a pic of him out and about...he was pitch black!

My daughter was making lots of friends!
From this cute little butterfly....

To this sweet and patient donkey.....

How about a baby opossum...

Would you believe....a baby tiger!

What an amazing experience!

Our vacation was filled with fun and memories that I hope my daughter will carry with her always!

...Heck, even one of the hotels we stayed in had gorgeous sights....these murals were so colorful!

Hope I didn't bore you too much!  I'll be back next post with some new Sea Glass Hair Clips made from pieces we just collected at Glass Beach....
I couldn't wait to make some new ones after the thrill of findings such cool glass, shell and pottery pieces!

Missed you so!