Monday, May 24, 2010

Cards, Cards, Everywhere!

Hello Everyone...I'm so sorry I haven't been back sooner! A week really is too long between posts for my liking....especially when I have so many things to show you....

I think I mentioned last time that I'm trying out this Swap-bot sign-up for a swap, get an envie together, then send to your "partner" all in the name of getting interesting little goodies coming to your mailbox. I love Trades and am always looking for more...(hint, hint).

Some are as simple as sending random stickers or other paper-crafting actually creating things specifically for your partner's likes based on the theme of the swap.... I had entered a Mermaid ATC (trading card sized) swap and created some new paintings that I shared with you last post....

Well, there are now 3 more!
This is "Kelpie", a shy little mermaid that dwells in the seaweed beds in the colder waters....

...And, "Friends and Anemones"...I know, I know, but I love puns. I came up with the title and idea before I even started sketching.... I'm a bit of a goof, what can I say.

And if you still don't believe that...get a load of...

"Angelina Jellie"...Need I say more...haha :oP

Again, all watercolor and ink with touches of glitter and irridescent pigments....but wait, there's more!

A 6 card set of all these new cuties....super girly glittered...with stamped sentiments and imported envelopes.
All in the shop,  if you care to looksey :o)

I've also been making cards from my Paperback Page Art.

They're not in the shop yet....but let me know if you're interested...that goes for my International Friends, too...I'd be delighted to add a listing just for you with updated shipping if you find something you like!

Well, I think that's all for's not actually, but I have so much to do today...busy, busy, busy!  Happiness all around ( I kinda feel like Ricardo Montalban from Fantasy Island, "Smiles, Everyone, Smiles" )
But it is Monday...and we may need a few extra :)

Til Later,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Leopards and...Mermaids!

Hey Everyone!  Hope you had a great weekend! 

Ours was busy with birthday planning and celebrating.  My daughter's Jungle-themed Birthday Party was great fun (once the stress subsided)! We held it at a park near a lake and playground, had a craft and scavenger hunt for the kids, treat bags filled with inflatable animal shaped balls, stickers, stampers, etc...... but, by far, the hit of the event was the ....


Good growl, there, Leopard Girl!

My daughter's best friend has this really amazing Grandma (she has 3, actually, but I'm just talking about one of them today :)....Lilly.  Remember Lilly? I've mentioned her before in this former blog post. She offered her services to us as a gift.... and, boy, was it ever!

She is extraordinarily talented.... The kids...and the adults, just adored being transformed!

She single-handedly turned a nice party into a FANTASTIC one!!  Thank you so much Lilly....your kindness is beyond words...your gifts beyond measure :)

Can you tell she matched the make-up to this little girl's shirt?!

After all the birthday hoopla....I needed to decompress a little...
I got those Gypsy Girls matted and put in my shop....

I added rub-ons to the corners of the outer mat....
Here I used sturdy patterned paper to create inner mats to allow it to fit an 11 x 14 mat with an 8 x 10 opening.  I love the marrakeshy feel to the pattern. In person, the green really compliments her eyes!

I also found a swapping site called
Anyone out there participated in any swaps hosted here?  I'm in such a swappy/tradey mood these days after the great experience I had with Lauren at Fair Rosamund. I decided to look for more opportunities to create and keep fun things coming in the mail! So, I signed up for a few swaps....

One is for a 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch Artist Trading Card (ATC) featuring a Mermaid Theme..... I've never painted ATC's before, but since working in a smaller format worked so well with the Gypsies, I decided to give going even smaller a try....

....And I worked on 3 at the same time!

....took about 4 hours to complete them...but they're done....and the swap isn't til June :)

Here's "Daydreamer"

"Starfish are a Girls' Best Friend"

...and "See Siren"

All watercolor and ink with irridescent pigmnets added here and there and white gel pen to highlight.

I don't know if I'll do more of these.....they are a bit too small for my liking.  My hands have gotten a bit more shakey since going into massage 6 years ago, so some of the detail work was challenging :)

I definately want to offer the 2 that I don't choose for the swap, in my Shop...any requests?

As always, thank you for stopping by....Your visits make me smile! (much like the thrill of eating the last bit of cake right out of the box!)

Great Big Hugs,

P.S. I have a huge project I've commited to that I can't wait to reveal!  Cross your fingers for me that it all goes as planned :)

Be talkin to you again soon ;-P

Friday, May 14, 2010

That a Gold Star, not a Zit, on my Forehead!

Guess What! I have been awarded a little prize from my friend Athena over at Experiments in Authenticity!
Kinda cool to be given a pat on the sweet to hear nice words from your peers!

Along with this swell button, Athena requested I answer these 10 "get-to-know-you-better" questions! My understanding is that I must answer them and then choose 4 more wonderful recipients to award....but they won't be announced til the don't cheat and skip ahead...I'm not that!

Without further ado:

1. What is your favorite book of all time?

Y’know, I’m much more of a magazine person these days…Artful Blogging and Somerset Life are 2 of my faves right now. But there is a series of books by Kim Harrison about a Witch named Rachel and her adventures as a P.I. with her Vampire and Pixie partners…”Dead Witch Walking” and “Every Witch Way but Dead” to name a couple in that series….really great, entertaining reads!

2. Where in the world do you most want to visit? Why?

I’d love to see Tibet or Thailand. Those images of the sacred buildings covered in ancient tree roots looks like a Magical Fairy tale come to life…. The rainforests are supposed to be incredible there and in South America, also. I’d like to take a walk in one before they don’t exist anymore.

                                                                This photo courtesy of  Greta Lorenz from Flickr

3. Craziest thing you've ever done?

Started Blogging…at least that’s what my non-blogging friends and family would say!

4. One celebrity you absolutely cannot stand?

Joan Rivers….She’s so rude and confrontational…and the overboard plastic surgery has made her look as ugly as her words :(

5. What do you most like about yourself?

My belief that I can find a way to accomplish anything I set my mind to....though I usually let everything else fall to the wayside til I accomplish it...hmmm, both good and bad.

6. What do you wish you could change about yourself?

Maybe I should change the above....naaaaa, then nothing would ever get done...haha. What I really wish I could do is just let go sometimes…not worry about what others think of me so much!

7. What job would you love to have for a day?

Dessert Food Critic! Do they have those?

                                                                     Courtesy of La Tartine Gourmand from Flickr

8. What superhero power would you like to possess?

I’d love to be able to freeze time…oh, and have endless energy! (Minus the tights!)

9. What person (living or dead) would you most like to meet?

Ralph Waldo Emerson…just to hang out with him on Walden Pond talking about personal philosophy, Nature and daydreaming!
                                                                           Courtesy of Phillip Klinger at Flickr

10. What was one of the best moments of your life?

Being pregnant was one of the best moments…a whole 9 month period of excitement, anticipation, new discoveries, feeling like you have a special purpose in life and bonding with the Hubby! I loved being pregnant. I was walking around with a “Little Buddy” each and everyday…and when you are showing, everyone smiles at you and is so nice! Now, I have an active 4 year old and the looks are very different…haha!

So now, to announce the Wonderful people I want to pass this award to (and learn more about in the process) yay!


She is constantly working to improve her talents and inspiring me to strive for better in the process...
all while being unapologetically herself!  Thanks Jamie!


She always has profound and nice things to say about the world around her and those in it! I've been fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of those words a few times :)


I'm just recently a follower of her blog...but I love her art and spirit!

and Poetees
at N.Q.T (Not Quite Twins)

For being a Mom of 3 and showing the rest of us that it is possible to be a Great Mom
 and excel at so many other things at the same time!

And here are my 10 Questions to you Ladies!

1.  Tell us something about yourself only your closest friend would know.
2.  What's the first thing you do in the morning?
3.  What inspires you the most?
4.  Any tattoos? Meanings/ locations...details, please :)
5.  Do you have a totem animal?
6.  Favorite quote?
7.  Favorite leisure activity?
8.  Hair up or down?
9.  What's your secret to Happiness?
10.Song that gets you into a creative mood?

I can't wait to see the answers...I tried to throw a few oddballs in there to mix it up a little!

Well, thanks again, Athena for the chance to do a little digging in my Soul Garden...
Off I go to finish hot glueing toilet paper rolls together... read that right! For the binocular craft at my daughter's Jungle themed Party...haha!

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Life of a Gypsy

Hello Everyone...
I hope your weekend went smashingly!  I spent my Mother's Day at the Renaissance Faire.  My family and I have made it a tradition to go once (sometimes twice) a year!  It's so much fun to get dressed up... This is what I wore to last years Faire.

I went as a Gypsy this year....
Such fun are all the wondrous wares that are offered...

And all the other costumes, as well....

My Dad's the photographer...never without his camera at any and all family functions!

This is my Mom.  Behind her you can see my Bro in his leather jerkin and wolf pelt!

Every year.....It's just a nice way to spend a day together :) This is from last year. Isn't my Mom's mask so pretty?!....oh and that giant is one of the relation as you can tell from our height!

I really love the exotic jewelry and personality of the other gypsy/bellydance/middle-eastern inspired girls...

It seems they also inspired some new art!  After receiving my lovely new 5 x7 inch painting from Lauren at Fair Rosamund (I know I already showed it to you, but it's so cute, I'll show you again....heehee)

...I decided I really liked that format and wanted to try painting in that size too.  But the only paper I have is a watercolor block in 11 x 14 inches.  Yes, I could take a sheet off, measure it, cut it down, tape it to a board and then get started.....or.....I could divide the page into two 5 x 7 inch rectangles and take advantage of it being on a block.  Of course, I decided this would be the fastest method (because if I don't paint while I'm in the mood, it will pass....and that little spark of inspiration will be filed away in that cluttered brain of mine...til who knows when it will come back! :)  And then I decided to be a little crazy and work on 2 paintings side by side simultaneously!

Y'know, it worked out quite well!  When I applied a wash or worked on an area of one, I could work on the other while it dried!  Plus, if I was mixing up a batch of flesh tone paint, I could use it for both paintings!  I'm thinking that this may be the way to go.  It minimizes down time and the extra work involved in mixing certain colors....
Here's the finished products! Both are watercolor and ink with a touch of irridescent gold pigment.
I'm just now thinking of names as I write this....
What do you think of  "Desert Eyes" as her name. She went over the 5 x 7 template and measures about 7 x 8 instead...oops :) The gold shimmer is in her eyes and ring.
...And how about "Gypsy Girl" (okay, so this name's not so inventive..) or "Fairest Gypsy" ?
Whatever the case, she is 5 x 7 with the gold shimmering on her forehead coins.

Oh, and thank you to all of you who chimed in about my dilema with renewing my online gallery and the possibility of switching to Etsy, etc.....

Well, I've decided to let the online gallery lapse and fall away into cyberspace history.  I've also just bit the bullet and upgraded my Artfire shop.  So now, I have a nice list of categories for those who are looking for something specifically, plus, I can now offer free gifts, promotions, coupons, etc.  I also have more control over the look of my shop, so I switched to new colors that go better with my new banner.
Hop over there if you have a sec :)

I listed some new cards...

A Grab Bag of Assorted Tags (we all saw that one coming,

And a print of one of my Original Watercolors you may have seen before "Vamp Chick" just to get her out into view.... Someone out there might be looking for a blond vampire portrait sporting an ankh never know.....haha!

I appreciate you coming by for a visit.... now I'm off to finish up last minute stuff for my daughter's birthday party on Sunday. I haven't done much since I mailed off the invitations.  Um, yes, I am starting to freak out a little!  At least it's at a park this year and I won't have to do the "company's coming" scrubbing on Saturday!

Happiness all around,

Friday, May 7, 2010

A Special Mother's Day

I just came home from a cute little Mother's Day celebration at my daughter's school. The Moms are asked to stay longer in the morning to be presented with a gift handmade by the children and partake of morning snack of juice and muffins.  They had roses on the picnic tables and they sang a little song to us all... My daughter was sooooo excited I wasn't doing the whole drop off and run routine! And so the Mother's Day recognition begins....

Here's the gift she made....

This year is especially meaningful!

You see, as Mother's day is on the 9th this year, so does my Little Girl turn 4!  I get to celebrate being a mother on the very day I became a mother.... very emotional, to say the least :)

My husband and I had been married for 7 years (and dated for 5 before we married) by the time she came along...So it was both an adjustment...and a miraculous wonder!

My family jokingly called her Noname, because hubby and I couldn't agree on a name.  We didn't even settle on one til we saw her face....

Her sweet little rosey cheeked face...  We named her Magdalena Rose...Maggie for short :)

As you can imagine...I was so excited by the whole pregnancy experience.  A special arrival (and one my parents had given up deserved a unique introduction.....and seeing as I had my own handmade greeting card business at one time, I got to work! 

I made her baby announcements by drawing out the celestial designs in black ink and photocopying them onto cardstock then hand colored each one with markers.

The writing around the outside says:
Starlight twinkles in her eyes...
Moonbeams kiss her cheeks...
Sunlight dances in her hair...

Then inside says:
Our precious girl is here!

What an intensely wonderful journey the past 4 years has been!  I've never learned more about myself then by taking care of someone else who's so much like me!  Let's just say, I  thank my husband daily for loving me ;-D  We just look at eachother sometimes while he's shaking his head stating matter-of-factly, "She gets that from you, y'know..."

"Yes, I know... but luckily she's cute, too!" I reply with an impish grin :)

Happy Mother's Day to all of you....may your children inherit all your good qualities...but if some of the more challenging ones slip in there...may they choose to learn from the lessons you have already experienced...

Hey, we can dream, anyways!
Smiles all around,